Markets and Democracy — Exiting the Tyranny of the Majority

Wahlroos, Björn
Nimeke: Markets and Democracy — Exiting the Tyranny of the Majority
Tekijät: Wahlroos, Björn (Kirjoittaja)
Tuotetunnus: 9789511277422
Tuotemuoto: E-kirja, EPUB
Saatavuus: Heti ladattavissa
Ilmestymispäivä: 31.5.2013
Hinta: 33,20 € (29,12 € alv 0 %)

Kust. tuotetunnus: 0BJU
Kustantaja: Otava
Painos: 2013
Julkaisuvuosi: 2013
Kieli: englanti
Tiedostoformaatti: EPUB
Suojaustapa: Vesileima
Sivumäärä: 399
Tuoteryhmät: Tietokirjat
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Even schoolchildren learn about the paradoxes of democracy, yet western political debaters still proclaim it as a universal virtue, to the extent of seeking voting and equality in companies, too. Meanwhile large swathes of the world seem to be managing very well without democratic rule or redistributive justice. Which is the way forward?

In a sweeping review of history and economics, Björn Wahlroos points to the achievements that have shaped our times, but also to the traumatic cul-de-sacs and false conclusions that overshadow our thinking and damage our prosperity in the 21st century.

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