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Liekehtivä valtaistuin — Toinen kirja
Riordan, Rick; Rekiaro, Ilkka
Otava, 2018
26,50 € (24,09 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511256397
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Coming soon
Konstaapeli Gorilla ja kadonnut keksipurkki
Kalejaiye, Daniel; Nykänen, Anni
Otava, 2024
27,20 € (24,73 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511493327
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 19.9.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Coming soon
Bagge, Tapani; Wihersaari, Silja-Maria
Otava, 2024
27,20 € (24,73 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511481218
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 19.9.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Coming soon
Omppu osaa. Mitä sitten leikitään?
Vuori, Sanna Sofia; Knuutinen, Cara; Knuutinen, Cara
Otava, 2024
24,00 € (21,82 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511485940
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 19.9.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Coming soon
Häntähoiva ja poloinen pentu
Kanto, Anneli; Siiriäinen, Tuire
Otava, 2024
20,80 € (18,91 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511478911
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 12.9.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Coming soon
Mitä on politiikka
Firth, Alex; Hore, Rosie; Stowell, Louie; Stover, Kellan; Siimes, Mika
Otava, 2024
22,50 € (20,45 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511492214
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 29.8.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Coming soon
Matka ikimetsän sydämeen
Lumme, Johanna
Otava, 2024
27,20 € (24,73 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511494539
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 3.10.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Coming soon
Peloton Peltohiiri - Sankarin matka
Korpela, Meri; Korpela, Aleksi
Otava, 2024
35,30 € (32,09 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511494355
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 12.9.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Coming soon
Amuletti. Kivenvartijan kirous
Kibuishi, Kazu; Ruokosenmäki, Jouko
Otava, 2024
30,40 € (27,64 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511490371
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 10.10.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Coming soon
Brielle & Bear: olipa kerran...
Doku, Salomey; Doku, Salomey; Ängeslevä, Viivi
Otava, 2024
32,00 € (29,09 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511493877
  • Paperback
  • Coming soon 24.10.2024. Can be pre-ordered 90 days before publishing date
Coming soon
Muumit Kuuntele ja kurkista
Jansson, Tove
Otava, 2024
20,80 € (18,91 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511490982
  • Board book
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 3.10.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Ponku, Peetu ja täydellinen Tippe
Savisaari, Aira; Tihinen, Mimmu; Kauppi, Lotta
Otava, 2020
25,00 € (22,73 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511372561
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Unohdettu ötökkäkirja — Professori Melesin merkilliset muistiinpanot
Savtchenko, Julia; Savtchenko, Julia
Otava, 2020
25,60 € (23,27 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511372998
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Eeva ja Harmaakaapu
Lassila, Maria; Vilja, Maria
Otava, 2020
25,60 € (23,27 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511372592
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Kohta eskarilainen — Tehtäväkirja
Niemenmaa, Essi; Teerenhovi, Suvi
Otava, 2022
5,80 € (5,27 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511381792
  • Leaflet, handout
  • Available, in stock
Anna ja Elvis risteilyllä
Kuutti, Maria; Kirkkopelto, Katri
Otava, 2021
25,00 € (22,73 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511385523
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Onnen Amuletti
Tanskanen, Tiina
Otava, 2021
20,80 € (18,91 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511383529
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Niilo kylvää
Savisaari, Aira; Ruohonen, Hannamari
Otava, 2021
25,00 € (22,73 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511380917
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Ryhmä Hau -tarinoita ja 4 taulua
Makkonen, Topi
Otava, 2021
19,30 € (17,55 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511377481
  • Board book
  • Available, in stock
Tassu-trio - Pentuhurjimus
Meripaasi, Helena
Otava, 2021
20,80 € (18,91 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511375074
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock