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Tunnerohkeus — Suoraan puhumisen ja vastarinnan kohtaamisen taito
Åhman, Helena
Otava, 2024
35,30 € (32,09 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511473367
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Game Plan — Kimmo Gustafssonin tarina
Väntänen, Ari
Otava, 2021
36,90 € (33,55 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511386568
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Kansanvalistusseuran kalenteri 2024
Otava, 2023
21,70 € (19,73 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511487807
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Coming soon
Sami Kuronen — Kahden kesken
Kellomäki, Ani
Otava, 2024
38,50 € (35,00 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511483403
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 28.8.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Coming soon
Haikara levittää siipensä
Soudakova, Anna
Otava, 2024
38,50 € (35,00 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511479437
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 5.9.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Pipsa Possun 5 minuutin iltasadut
Karhu, Satu
Otava, 2022
27,40 € (24,91 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511417170
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
A Doghill History of Finland
Kunnas, Mauri; Moore, William
Otava, 2023
33,00 € (30,00 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511334750
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Liksom, Rosa
Otava, 2014
28,80 € (26,18 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789520111274
  • Paperback
  • Available, in stock
Sinä olet perheeni
Tuppurainen, Tiina
Otava, 2022
36,90 € (33,55 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511409700
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Miina ja Manu yökylässä
Koivisto, Jari; Koivisto, Jari
Otava, 2021
5,80 € (5,27 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511387626
  • Leaflet, handout
  • Available, in stock
Coming soon
Ikuisen elämän lyhyt historia — Kuinka taistelemme kuolemaa ja vanhuutta vastaan
Raevaara, Tiina
Otava, 2024
38,50 € (35,00 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511482826
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 15.8.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.
Hai, Magdalena; Takala, Tuija
Otava, 2024
30,40 € (27,64 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511490814
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Sachar, Louis; Kapari, Jaana
Otava, 2024
8,40 € (7,64 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511255291
  • Paperback
  • Available, in stock
Susiluoto, Saila
Otava, 2024
30,40 € (27,64 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511483038
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Koskinen, JP
Otava, 2024
41,70 € (37,91 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511487555
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Coming soon
Aurora ja Kellomestari — Prefekti Dreyfus pulassa # 3
Reynolds, Alastair; Tervaharju, Hannu
Otava, 2024
38,50 € (35,00 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511484349
  • Paperback
  • Reprint of the book will be available approximately on 8.8.2024 and the book will be delivered when it is available again.
Iggulden, Conn; Rekiaro, Ilkka
Otava, 2023
40,10 € (36,45 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511403166
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Levoton mieli — Romaani
Tuuri, Antti
Otava, 2020
10,50 € (9,55 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511371014
  • Paperback
  • Available, in stock
Tintti Neuvostojen maassa — Lehtimies Tintti seikkailee
Hergé; Kaukoranta, Heikki; Kaukoranta, Soile
Otava, 2022
28,80 € (26,18 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511425397
  • Hardcover
  • Available, in stock
Coming soon
Väärä todistus
Cleeves, Ann; Kolehmainen, Annukka
Otava, 2024
38,50 € (35,00 € vat 0 %)
  • Product number 9789511484851
  • Hardcover
  • Can be preordered. Estimated publication date is 10.10.2024 and the product will be delivered after publication.