Do Your Best! Sustainability Teacher's Guide

Jutila, Ulla Maija
Title: Do Your Best! Sustainability Teacher's Guide
Authors: Jutila, Ulla Maija (Author)
Product number: 9789511387985
Product form: Leaflet, handout
Availability: Available, in stock
Publication date: 7.12.2023
Price: 52,33 € (45,90 € vat 0 %)

Publ. product code: 12T6
Publisher: Otava
Series: Do your best!
Edition: 1. edition, 2023
Publication year: 2023
Language: English
Pages: 74
Product family: Environmental studies
Grades 1–6
Otava Learning
Finnish library classification: P50.1 Ympäristönsuojelu. Luonnonsuojelu
School Level: Primary school
The Do Your Best! Sustainability Teacher's Guide includes lesson instructions with keywords and key concepts related to instructional text, questions tips and discussion topics. The appendices for the pupil include study plans, excursion plans, and self-evaluation. Teacher's guideline encourages the teacher to try multidisciplinary learning modules and inquiry-based learning.