Star Maths 3a

Kiviluoma, Päivi; Nyrhinen, Kimmo; Perälä, Pirita; Rokka, Pekka; Salminen, Maria; Tapiainen, Timo
Title: Star Maths 3a
Title in original language: Tuhattaituri 3a (OPS16)
Authors: Kiviluoma, Päivi (Author)
Nyrhinen, Kimmo (Author)
Perälä, Pirita (Author)
Rokka, Pekka (Author)
Salminen, Maria (Author)
Tapiainen, Timo (Author)
Manninen, Mirjami (Illustrator)
Mäkipää, Minna (Illustrator)
Product number: 9789511478690
Product form: Paperback
Availability: Available, in stock
Publication date: 9.8.2023
Price: 30,67 € (26,90 € vat 0 %)

Publ. product code: 1GWR
Title in original language: Tuhattaituri 3a (OPS16)
Publisher: Otava
Series: Star Maths
Edition: 2. edition, 2024
Publication year: 2023
Language: English
Product form description: + kuori
Pages: 220
Product family: Otava Learning
Grades 1–6
Finnish library classification: P51 MATEMATIIKKA
School Level: Primary school
Content of the book: Addition and subtraction: mental arithmetic and column addition/subtraction; Multiplication: 1-10 times tables; commutative property of multiplication; Telling the time: the 24-hour clock; short time intervals; Column multiplication: with and without carried digits