We have a scheduled maintenance break in webshop on August 31 at 22:00 until Sunday, September 1 at 18:00.
We have a scheduled maintenance break in webshop on August 31 at 22:00 until Sunday, September 1 at 18:00.

Suomen mestari 1 in English Digital Book 6 M ONL

Gehring, Sonja; Heinzmann, Sanni
Title: Suomen mestari 1 in English Digital Book 6 M ONL
Title in original language: Suomen mestari 1 Uudistettu digikirja 6 kk ONL
Authors: Gehring, Sonja (Author)
Heinzmann, Sanni (Author)
Product number: 9789511499770
Product form: Digital online
Availability: Available immediately
Publication date: 19.8.2024
Price: 39,10 € (35,55 € vat 0 %)

Publ. product code: 1KT7
Title in original language: Suomen mestari 1 Uudistettu digikirja 6 kk ONL
Publisher: Otava
Series: Suomen mestari UUD
Edition: 1. edition, 2024
Publication year: 2024
Language: English
Format: Html
Product form description: html5
Product family: Finn Lectura
Finnish library classification: K88.2 Suomen kieli
School Level: Adult education
Digital online, 2024
48,90 €

Digital online, 2024
41,70 €

Suomen mestari 1 in English Digital Book is a digital Finnish language learning material in which English is used as a support language. English is used, for example, in exercise instructions and grammar pages. Additionally, the digital book includes Finnish-English vocabularies.

The digital book can be used on a computer, smartphone, or tablet. The content of the digital book corresponds to the content of the printed Suomen mestari 1 textbook, and it also includes all the audio files and answers to the exercises. The student can check the correct answers to the exercises and receive immediate feedback.

The digital book has a clear structure and is easy to use.