The Canine Kalevala

Kunnas, Mauri; Kunnas, Tarja
Title: The Canine Kalevala
Title in original language: Koirien Kalevala
Authors: Kunnas, Mauri (Author)
Kunnas, Tarja (Author)
Steffa, Tim (Translator)
Product number: 9789511327080
Product form: Hardcover
Availability: Available, in stock
Publication date: 22.2.2018
Price: 25,60 € (23,27 € vat 0 %)

Publ. product code: K185
Title in original language: Koirien Kalevala
Publisher: Otava
Edition: 15. edition, 2023
Publication year: 2018
Language: English
Pages: 63
Product family: General literature
Finnish library classification: L85.25 Englanninkieliset kuvakirjat
Age recommendation: 5
Long, long ago, when the world was still young, there dwelt in the far-off land of Kalevala a tribe of wild and woolly dogs. Their neighbour in the gloomy North was a pack of mean and wicked wolves. Between them lived a small but tough clan of cats. The dogs and wolves vied for sovereignty of the forests, and this often gave rise to some pretty fierce squabbles.