Playful Learning In Early Childhood Education in Finland Digital book ONL

Karvonen, Pirkko; Ukkonen-Mikkola, Tuulikki; Fenyvesi, Kristof; Salonen, Milla; Erkkilä, Päivi; Laine, Elina; Hellden-Paavola, Susanna; Taittonen, Laura
Titel: Playful Learning In Early Childhood Education in Finland Digital book ONL
Författare: Karvonen, Pirkko (Författare)
Ukkonen-Mikkola, Tuulikki (Författare)
Fenyvesi, Kristof (Författare)
Salonen, Milla (Författare)
Erkkilä, Päivi (Författare)
Laine, Elina (Författare)
Hellden-Paavola, Susanna (Författare)
Taittonen, Laura (Författare)
Artikelnummer: 9789511488217
Form: Online resurs
Tillgänglighet: Genast tillgänglig
Utgivningsdatum: 21.11.2023
Pris: 41,04 € (36,00 € moms 0 %)

Förlagets identifieringsnummer: 1JD3
Förlag: Otava
Serie: Playful Learning
Upplaga: 1. upplaga, 2023
Utgivningsår: 2023
Språk: engelska
Format: Html
Produktform beskrivning: html5
Produktgrupp: Årskurs 1–6
Otava Learning

Skolnivå: Vuxenutbildning
This book is intended for all persons working with children aged 0-7 years and who do the vital work, for instance, in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) centres, kindergartens, nurseries or schools. This book is also an excellent tool for training ECEC teachers.

The focus of the book is to describe early childhood education and care in Finland from a theoretical and practical perspective. The book contains over 100 practical and playful activities for children under seven years of age. The authors give concrete examples and ideas for how to implement activities with children to learn through play. The book is based on the Finnish pedagogical practices, scientific research, and development projects from ECEC and is also based on Finnish National Core Curriculum for ECEC.