We collect purchase data from our customers to improve our customer service and to develop our online store. Customer-related data is collected directly from the customer during the online order process.


Kustannusosakeyhtiö Otava (y-tunnus 1564596-0)
Osoite: Uudenmaankatu 10, 00120 Helsinki
Puhelin: (09) 156 6800


Storia Oy
Hakakalliontie 10
05460 Hyvinkää

REGISTER NAME: Customer register – Otava online store

PURPOSES OF PROCESSING: order processing, invoicing and invoice collection, management of customer and service relationships, marketing communications, service maintenance and development to meet customers’ needs.

CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA: first name, last name, street address, post code, city, country, phone number, email address and user ID.

CATEGORIES OF ONLINE STORE USER DATA: registration date, latest login, purchase orders and payment method.
Confidentiality of customer register

At Storia, we store our customer data in a protected database that can be accessed only by those employees of Storia and Otava who are engaged in online store maintenance and only to the extent required by their tasks. Our customer register is strictly confidential. Data will be disclosed to third parties only in relation with the provision of the service (e.g. deliveries, potential invoice collection). Third parties are bound by confidentiality in the same way as the employees at Storia and at the publisher. Data will not be transferred to non-EU or non-EEA countries.
The data subject has the right to review their data, to demand the rectification of inaccurate data and to object to the use of their data for the purposes of direct marketing, remote sales and market research and opinion polls, and to demand other rights secured by the Finnish Personal Data Act. Any such requests should be sent to

Cookie is a piece of data stored on the user’s computer when they visit our online store. Cookies contain an individual code by which users can be identified.
Cookies are used in the online store to provide services and to facilitate the use of services. For example, they enable the customer to log in without entering the login details every time. The user cannot be identified with cookies alone.